Your Lights.
Our Lumenaries

Is your space still outfitted with buzzing, flickering, high maintenance fluorescent lights?

Then you’re spending 75% more on energy for a bulb that has a lifespan 50% shorter than it should.

We see things DIFFERENTLY


Lower Your...
Energy Bills by 60%
Maintenance by 50%
Upfront Cost by up to 100%.


Flexibility in LED brightness /
lumen output and design
means cutting-edge spaces
operating at peak productivity.


Going green? LED fixtures are
environmentally friendly and
can help get your building
certified as such.

they see things differently

you can see DIFFERENTLY too!

  • Rebates & Incentives

    Our knowledge of LED-specific rebates is your money saving power. Rebates can subsidize a large portion of you project or even render it completely free! We know, we’re lightheaded, too.

  • Free without the fine print

    A commitment from your energy provider means you don’t pay a thing. Not even to cover initial costs. We hate fineprint, too.

  • New Construction

    We’re great at bringing new projects to light.

  • Retrofitting and Installation

    Rebates or not, we have a lighting solution for your building.

  • Distribution

    High quality and low budget is our job so you can focus on yours without worrying about maintenance or your next CFO meeting.

Rebates & Incentives

Our knowledge of LED-specific rebates is your money saving power. Rebates can subsidize a large portion of you project or even render it completely free! We know, we’re lightheaded, too.

Free without the fine print

A commitment from your energy provider means you don’t pay a thing. Not even to cover initial costs. We hate fineprint, too.

New Construction

We’re great at bringing new projects to light.

Retrofitting and Installation

Rebates or not, we have a lighting solution for your building.


High quality and low budget is our job so you can focus on yours without worrying about maintenance or your next CFO meeting.